callander enterprise forth valley and lomond LEADER Europe Scot gov callander community development trust

Creative in Callander

Community Questionnaire

Creative in Callander are hoping to start an art space in the centre of Callander with studio, workshop, and meeting space and more. They would like to know two things: the facilities available or sought by artists, crafters, musicians, etc; and the kind of classes, or happenings the residents in and around Callander would like to see an art space provide

1) Is there an art space, for example, a studio or workshop that you currently use in Callander?

2) What type of art space is this?
a) in school
b) in own home
c) in hired space in the village
c) other please state:

3) If you were to use a Creative in Callander arts space/or spaces, which of the following would you like to access?
a) music classes
b) full time studio space for music
c) drop in studio space for music
d) full time studio space for art / craft
e) drop in studio space for art / craft
f) visual art classes (please select choices) :- life drawing , painting , sculpture , introduction to painting , introduction to drawing , print making
g) craft classes (please select choices) :- jewellery , sewing , knitting , felting , pottery , card making
h) children's workshops

4) Are there other activities/events you would like an arts space to offer ?
If YES, please list:

5) Do you have an activity / skill that you could offer to a Creative in Callander art space?
YES (go to Question 6)
NO (go to Question 7)

6) What workshop / classes would you like to offer?

7) To ensure Creative in Callander can produce a sound report based on this questionnaire, please complete the following:
Age group: 66+ , 65-41 , 40-26 , 25-16 , under 16

Optional inclusion of contact details (to be held on a database by Callander Community Development Trust to enable Creative in Callander (CiC) to contact you should they proceed with their art space project).



callander enterprise forth valley and lomond LEADER Europe Scot gov callander community development trust